Paul Wright

By Paul Wright

Posted on 9th May 2017 by Paul Wright

How Much are Stressed and Unhappy Workers Costing You?

How Much are Stressed and Unhappy Workers Costing You?

New Government plans to transform mental health support for schools and employers reflect the growing awareness of the importance of good mental health at every point in our lives.

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How Much are Stressed and Unhappy Workers Costing You?
Posted on 10th February 2017 by Paul Wright

Why you should ‘Never Give Up’ in Sales.

Why you should ‘Never Give Up’  in Sales.

The quote made by Churchill was referring retrospectively to the first 10 months of World War II. Specifically he is referencing the fact that Britain stood alone and appeared to stand no chance in the fight. The fact that Britain never gave up and stood alone, and this paid off, is the lesson he is communicating.

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Why you should ‘Never Give Up’  in Sales.
Posted on 6th January 2017 by Paul Wright

Social Selling

Buyers now complete approximately 68% of the buying process online and 75% of B2B buyers use social media to make purchasing decisions.

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Posted on 26th July 2016 by Paul Wright

Emergency PREP Sales Call Planning Framework

Emergency PREP Sales Call Planning Framework

68% of Salespeople admit to preparing for sales meetings in their cars. Do you think the customer can tell?

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Emergency PREP Sales Call Planning Framework
Posted on 26th May 2016 by Paul Wright

How to Stop Getting Beaten Up on Price

How to Stop Getting Beaten Up on Price

All sales people know that there is always a cheaper supplier. However, most sales people still allow buyers to beat them up with the cheaper alternative.

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How to Stop Getting Beaten Up on Price
Posted on 24th May 2016 by Paul Wright

Closing the Deal

Closing the Deal

We have all had deals that get stuck in a rut. You made an exceptional job of understanding the client’s needs and you put a fantastic business case together. The client said they would make a decision by Friday, but Friday has come and gone a number of times and now they are not as quick to react as they were. What should you do to unstick your deal?

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Closing the Deal
Posted on 11th May 2015 by Paul Wright

Personality Profiling - A waste of time or a valuable development tool?

Personality Profiling - A waste of  time or a valuable development tool?

Personality profiling as a development tool doesn't have a great reputation. People tend to either be suspicious - "what if I give the wrong answers or get labelled as a certain 'type'?", or dismissive - "it's nonsense, I know I'm an introvert, what difference does it make to how I do my job?".

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Personality Profiling - A waste of  time or a valuable development tool?
Posted on 20th March 2015 by Paul Wright

What is leadership?

What is leadership?

“What is leadership?” is a question we get asked a surprising number of times.  Being a leader is daunting, expectations are high and so naturally you want to know what is expected of you.

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What is leadership?

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