Posted on 15th March 2018
Focusing on the Human in Human Resources
Human resources covers multiple areas such as business management, workforce planning, HR development, compensation and benefits, and employee relations. Therefore, it can be easy to get caught up in the details and forget what human resources is all about - people. With this in mind, we have listed some of our top tips on how you can focus on the ‘human’ in ‘human resources’.
Basic Needs
Treating employees as humans is always a must and addressing their needs is essential in human resources. In particular, it is important to create a sense of belonging, meaningful contribution and being appreciated as these are something we all desire. These three factors should encourage heightened morale amongst your employees and can help you when discussing topics and carrying out procedures such as employee reviews, promotions, negative conversations and politics.
Individual Needs
As well as focusing on basic human needs, it is important that you look at employees’ individual needs to promote a positive atmosphere. This will help improve performance and ensure employees feel motivated and happy within their workplace. Frequent communication with employees and asking them what they think about certain aspects will show you care about their opinion and give them the opportunity to have their say, hopefully improving worker job satisfaction.
Employee Reviews
Employee reviews are an easy and effective way to incorporate human resources positively and should be carried out regularly (every few months) to give employees the opportunity to reflect on their performance, gain constructive feedback and address any issues they feel need discussing.
As well as gaining an insight into performance on the employee’s behalf, you will also be aware of what your team are happy with, what they’d like to change and how you can improve the workplace. They are very beneficial for both parties.
Conflicts in the workplace are inevitable within HR roles and disputes between employers and/or employees can arise and will need to be dealt with as effectively as possible. It is the HR department’s role to act as the mediator and discuss issues and concerns with both parties in order to find a beneficial resolution. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you treat all parties involved as humans and take their emotions and opinions into account before you come up with any solutions. This is vital when trying to prevent situations from getting out of hand or taking a turn for the worst.